
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2020

Why did you choose this career/study programme?

 When I was a child, I used to dream of being a veterinary. However, when I grew up I not longer wanted to be, because I could not bear to see the suffering that animals had and I did not want to perform operations on them for fear of hurting them. When I applied to university my only option was psychology, but in high school, I thought about studying medical technology. But I decided on psychology because my intention was to be able to help the well-being of people. I also had a good score on my history test, which made it easier for me to enter the university I wanted. So far I have had a good university experience, despite the fact that since it is my first year I still do not know the university due to the pandemic. The best thing about my experience has been the friends that I have found in this process. In the future I would like to work in a foundation that helps children with cancer or some type of disease that deteriorates their lives.


 Michelle Soto Ñanco was born in Melipilla on November 18, 2001. At elementary school and high school, she studied at Nuestra Señora y Madre del Carmen in Melipilla.  She's studying Psychology at Universidad de Chile and It is in the first year. Almost all their family live in Melipilla but she with their sister live in Santiago, her family is made up of 6 people. Michelle loves watching movies and series but don't have a hobby in particular and his favorite place is the beach so she enjoys the summer. Michelle loves cats and dogs and even has 3 pets, but she can't spend much time with them as she only sees them occasionally when she travels to Melipilla. They also generate allergies for what they do bad for your health.

First Blog

 My name is Michelle Soto I am from Melipilla  I live in Santiago  I am 18 years  I am studying psychology and I am in the first year My favourite food is spaghetti  I like listening to music and watching movies in my time free I have 3 pets, they are 2 dogs and a cat