Why did you choose this career/study programme?

 When I was a child, I used to dream of being a veterinary. However, when I grew up I not longer wanted to be, because I could not bear to see the suffering that animals had and I did not want to perform operations on them for fear of hurting them.

When I applied to university my only option was psychology, but in high school, I thought about studying medical technology. But I decided on psychology because my intention was to be able to help the well-being of people. I also had a good score on my history test, which made it easier for me to enter the university I wanted.

So far I have had a good university experience, despite the fact that since it is my first year I still do not know the university due to the pandemic. The best thing about my experience has been the friends that I have found in this process.

In the future I would like to work in a foundation that helps children with cancer or some type of disease that deteriorates their lives.


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