Post 4

Prevention of suicide in adolescence 

According to studies conducted by the CDC (which means in Spanish, Centros para la prevención y el control de enfermedades) suicide is the third leading cause of death among 15-24 year olds.

It is a risk factor in the presence of suicidal thoughts, to present firearms in the home, such as pistols, because in the case of the United States, 60% end their lives using weapons. Another risk is access to medicines, either because they are found in the home or because they are easily accessible or sold illegally without a prescription, since this creates the possibility that the young person suffers from an overdose.

It is common for adolescents have suicidal thoughts, as evidenced by UNICEF in 2018. This is because adolescence is a period with a great variety of biological, psychological, social changes, among others.

Therefore, it is important that the young person presents a good family relationship, in which there is trust and support. It is also important that he develops social skills, strengthen your self-esteem and seek help in the face of difficulties.

It is highly relevant that mental health and suicidal thoughts are a topic of family conversation, because isolating yourself and keeping silence will not improve things. Above all, it is important that parents do not believe that if their child presents changes in attitude or tells something of a strong character related to desires to end his life, think that he does it to attract attention, because if your child has the confidence to express how you feel is because you need help and support to get through it.


  1. It is very important to talk about these things and not leave them in the inkwell.
    Of great value this publication !!!

  2. I agree with you, mental health and suicide prevention should be a priority

  3. a really important topic to talk about, which should also include the elderly, with also high suicide rates


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