Post 5

 The importance of mental health

Without a doubt, mental health is a very important issue in our present time because there is a great deterioration of it. However, it is still a controversial issue to go the psychologist to request help because many believe that this means "being crazy", so they decide not to go.

Another mental health problem in our country is that it is considered that talking with a friend or acquaintance is equivalent to going to professional therapy, which is not the case, perhaps it can contribute to making the person feel better, but they will not have the same impact.

In addition, public investment in mental health is very low, so it is not so simple to access a psychological consultation since not everyone has the necessary income to pay for it.

For all this it is very important that is valued and work in order to improve mental health because it is just as important as physical health.

As a future psychologist, I want to work for the well-being of people, so that they leave their insecurities and seek professional help, because that way we can work together so that their life can improve. 

Finally, I hope that in the future the authorities will do everything necessary so that not having money is not a cause for not being able to access psychological care because the lack of this is a cause of the high suicide rate in various parts of the world.


  1. I'm glad of how the mental health is taking part of the society as a serious problem between us


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